Dow Corning Launches at Chinaplas 2017 Advanced FR Synergist to Restore
Mechanical Properties, Reduce Corrosivity in Highly Filled PA Compounds
New Dow Corning? 43-821 Additive Can Also Lower Compound Costs by at Least 10%
Dow Corning? 43-821 Additive for Electrical/Electronic Component
Dow Corning, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, launched here today at Chinaplas 2017 Dow Corning? 43-821 Additive, an advanced new silicone technology designed to resolve mechanical performance degradation and corrosivity issues caused by high loadings of traditional flame-retardant (FR) additives, such as organic phosphorous, in polyamide (PA) compounds. By cutting the total amount of organic phosphorous additive in PA6 and PA66 compounds by 40 percent – while still providing high levels of FR performance – the new FR synergist used at low levels (1-2%), delivers important benefits for compounders and electrical/electronic component manufacturers. These include restoring key mechanical properties of PA resin, minimizing corrosion of metallic parts that contact the formulation and lowering compound costs by 10 percent or more. This patented FR material, the first in a totally new product family, is being featured here in Dow Chemical’s booth (#10.2G41).